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Karuun is an innovative and sustainable material crafted from the transformation of rattan, a climbing plant naturally found in the tropical forests of Indonesia. For centuries, rattan has been harvested for furniture and everyday items. However, thanks to a patented process pioneered by the German company Out for Space, rattan has gained new properties and possibilities.

By cultivating rattan for karuun®, the company is actively leading a shift in the environmental and social aspects of the economy. Globalization is not only reshaping ecosystems and global society’s values, culture, and politics but also revolutionizing the industrial landscape.

This is precisely why they have introduced the karuun® cycle. In collaboration with their partners Fairventures Worldwide, the VIVERE Group, and GIZ, they are at the forefront of initiatives aimed at conserving and restoring tropical forests.

Simultaneously, they are enhancing the transparency and traceability of their supply chains. With the assistance of a dedicated app developed in partnership with an integrated technology firm, customers can now accurately trace the origin of rattan, enabling the company to transparently map and continually enhance their social and environmental impact.