
The New Craft House

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  • 3D printing
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The New Craft House is a collective of designers dedicated to tackling challenges by seamlessly bridging diverse disciplines like design, engineering, software, and electronics, all while emphasizing the principles of contemporary craftsmanship.

Thanks to the advancements in digital fabrication, transitioning between the digital and analog domains has become notably more accessible. The potential of objects is on the ascent across various fields, extending beyond conventional mass production. In these dynamic times, it is essential to foster rapid experimentation through holistic thinking and hands-on work, reminiscent of the skilled artisans of the past, rather than confining expertise to narrow niches.

Comprising individuals each endowed with craftsmanship, The New Craft House continually focuses on pioneering novel design and production techniques through the utilization of additive manufacturing (AM) and digital fabrication. They also collaborate closely with research institutions and companies, actively participating in projects brought to them for consultation, as they jointly explore the future landscape of manufacturing.