“My office is where my laptop is” sounds great but barely works in real life
Capsule by Casala and Kateryna Sokolova was launched a year prior to the quarantine but right now it gains new actuality as borders between home and office blur.

Kateryna Sokolova has designed Capsule, a minimal cocoon for the living room to achieve the ultimate focus and work without distractions.
The concept “My office is where my laptop is” sounds great but barely works in real life. The truth is we need a certain level of comfort and what we call a working spirit to do our everyday work intently. We need a kind of cocoon, a spot where you can switch off from the outer world and be protected from most distractions.

In our new reality, we also need a social distance. After the pandemic of COVID-19, it becomes a new norm for any public space. For keeping our productivity, we have to be flexible, accept new rules and even learn how to enjoy the social distance.
Capsule by Casala and Kateryna Sokolova meets this challenge. The furniture collection was launched a year prior to the quarantine but right now it gains new actuality as borders between home and office blur.
We are struggling for a universal working place, where you can leave all your bothers behind. Such capsule can be located in the middle of a roomy open-space office or inside your apartment. It is the place to concentrate on working goals and dive into the process.

An important feature of Capsule is the acoustic absorbing upholstery on the inside and outside. Therefore, you can speak on the phone while sitting and ensure protection to a large extent from outside noises. Obviously, when you are in the capsule, you keep the required social distance from others.
“Welcome to the office of the future! We found out there are not only high technologies but also pleasantly rounded shapes and friendly thoughtful design.”

Capsule won German Design Award 2020 in category “Office Furniture”, and we understand its ultimate design meaning through the words of the designer Kateryna Sokolova:
“I am an introvert. I work in a roomy and noisy office, which we share with several other design studios. Sometimes it is difficult to concentrate on a certain working issue because there are many distractive sounds and colleagues’ activities. When the quarantine began, I started working remotely. In the first month of working from home, my productivity fell to 50%. Due to the relaxing mood, it is difficult to keep yourself together and just start working. The situation we face now pushes us to look for some common solutions to keep social distance, be concentrated in the office, and switch to working mood at home office.“