
Design Skill Awards 2023’s open call: fostering global design talents

The Design Skill Awards, presented by DESIGN SKILL MAGAZINE, provides a platform where every facet of creativity is acknowledged and honored

Design Skill Magazine introduces the inaugural Design Skill Awards 2023, a platform for design visionaries worldwide to gain international recognition. These awards seek to acknowledge and elevate the entire spectrum of design creativity, from established firms to emerging individual talents.

As design continues to play a pivotal role in shaping our world and driving innovation, the Design Skill Awards distinguishes itself as a recognition spanning various creative fields. This initiative goes beyond merely celebrating talent; it pays homage to the profound influence of design on human existence.

K-kameljón by Vurrle studio _ Design Skill Awards 2023
K-kameljón by Vurrle studio (former MN Interior) – Design Skill Awards 2023

Designed to be transparent, innovative, and all-encompassing, these awards warmly embrace diverse contributions from the entire spectrum of design disciplines.

The registration to the Award is currently available in three phases: Early Bird, Standard, and Late Registration. Each phase features its unique fee structure, offering prospective participants various entry options. For more information, head to the official website.

MIT Museum Exhibition by Studio Joseph – Design Skill Awards 2023

Every submission will undergo a rigorous evaluation process led by our esteemed Grand Jury. Entries will be assessed based on criteria such as Innovation & Originality, Design & Aesthetic Appeal, and Functionality & Spatial Integration

Light Composition Vargov _ Design Skill Awards 2023
Light Composition by Vargov Design – Design Skill Awards 2023

Awards categories: Architecture, Interior, Landscape, Fashion, Furniture, Lighting, Packaging, Product, Transportation, App, Audio & Video, Branded Content, Event, Marketing, Advertising & PR, Social Media, Typography, Website.


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