

  • South Korea
  • Appliances
  • Consumer electronics
  • Digital
  • Furniture
  • Industrial equipment
  • Lighting
  • Medical Devices
  • Tech
  • Wearables
  • Bathroom
  • Home
  • Kitchen
  • Office
  • Outdoor
  • Urban
  • Biomaterials
  • Ceramic
  • Glass
  • Leather
  • Metal
  • Plastic
  • Wood
  • 3D printing
  • Electric
  • Lifestyle
  • Micro-mobility
  • Smart Home
  • Workspace
  • Online

GIHAWOO DESIGN is actively involved in providing design consulting services to both domestic and international manufacturers, positioning itself as a leading global design agency representing Korea. The company’s proprietary design brand, ‘Ugly.Duckling,’ has attracted significant attention from design-related media worldwide.

The brand has been showcased at prestigious exhibitions such as the 2010 DMY Berlin, 2011 100% Design London, 2011 Cheongju International Biennale, and 2011 Design Korea, thereby amplifying its visibility and value on the global stage. GIHAWOO DESIGN’s primary focus is on executing design consulting projects that prioritize universal design principles. The company aims to accurately identify the needs of its clients and consumers while striking a harmonious balance between aesthetics, usability, and productivity. By creating products that seamlessly blend with the environment and cater to human needs, GIHAWOO DESIGN endeavors to generate value that transcends geographical and cultural boundaries.