How does it look when 27 leading European architecture institutions and organisations open their doors online?
Future Architecture Rooms is an unconventional digital environment, a collection of online spaces—rooms! Each of the member institutions of the Future Architecture platform – from famous museums to small galleries, an unorthodox publishing house or a provocative architectural biennial – use the rooms as stages for statements about their future work, as well as their reflections on this extraordinary contemporary context.
You may open any door and find yourself in places of knowledge exchange, education, and adventure.

Born out of the lockdown
Future Architecture Rooms is a project that was born out of the lockdown, yet which opens its doors to worlds beyond the immediate crisis. Each room is hosted by one institution, one member of Future Architecture platform. 27 rooms behind 27 doors, producing a stunning diversity of materials, plots and ideas. Together they constitute – both visually and metaphorically – the architecture of the platform, making the most of its richness.
Curious to know more about the Future Architecture Platform, don’t miss Future Architecture Platform stimulating architectural contamination across Europe.

Enter the Rooms
Meet the artists, architects, curators, producers and creative directors behind these institutions. See them in their working habitats – studies, labs, salons, archives, exhibition halls or libraries. Learn about their teams, their working methods and their interests.

Visit their program all over Europe
Among the first opening the doors to their rooms are the Lisbon Architecture Triennale, Tbilisi Architecture Biennial, Design Biotop, S AM Swiss Architecture Museum, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, DAI-SAI Association of Istrian Architects, Fundació Mies van der Rohe and Architektūros fondas! The rest will continue opening up in the following weeks. We are already looking forward to new rooms opening throughout September.
“Future Architecture Rooms is a project of Future Architecture platform, lead by Museum of Architecture and Design in Ljubljana, curated by Anastassia Smirnova and designed by Anna Kulachek.”
If you want to know more about Future Architecture platform events, don’t miss What did we see at the event by Future Architecture Platform 2020?.