
Stride Senze is an smart autonomous walking cane for the elderly

Creative collective NextOfKin has transformed the traditional walking crane into a futuristic “walking companion”.

The singapore-based studio, otherwise known as NOK, came up with the idea dubbed the ‘Stride Senze’, which hopes to challenge people’s perception of the walking cane or archetypal walker.

It’s positioned as an advanced piece of equipment aimed at seniors and those with low mobility that require assistance getting around.

The unit can be used in single support mode or walker mode, both of which use self-balancing technology that keeps the device upright and ready for use at all times.

Meanwhile, an integrated smart robot companion at the base of the crane features artificial intelligence that learns certain behaviours depending on the user. 

Stride Senze by NOK Design _ smart autonomous cane _ Health design
© Stride Senze smart walking cane by NOK Design

This element of the concept is based on Samsung’s Ballie (pronounced Ball-E), a rolling personal assistant that reacts to the user’s needs.

This includes scanning the environment and alerting users of potential hazards.

The walking cane is also equipped with multiple sensors that are able to detect if the user has fallen before prompting the crane to send alerts to social services of family members.

© Stride Senze smart walking cane by NOK Design
© Stride Senze smart walking cane by NOK Design

Stride Senze autonomous walking cane: bringing mobility aids into the future

This isn’t the first time we’ve seen concepts pose new and innovative ways to improve current mobility aids.

From robotic white canes to robotic wheelchairs, there are countless technological developments that can be used to improve the user experience and market perception of mobility solutions.

Here, NOK has tapped into the consumer electronics market, increasing the device’s desirability by assimilating high-tech items and their futuristic aesthetic. 

Stride Senze by NOK Design _ smart autonomous cane _ Health design
© Stride Senze smart walking cane by NOK Design

More about NOK

NextOfKin Creatives is founded in the twin spirits of creative thinking and building bonds.

Their creative process involves working with trained specialists, such as expert trend analysts, engineers with extensive experience, and award-winning graphic designers.

Every aspect of the process is taken into consideration: from research, brief, analysing social-cultural trends, strategic intend, branding, right through to manufacturing.

See more on their official sources.


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