Myoovi was specifically created with the aim of alleviating pain associated with conditions like endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, or pelvic inflammatory disease.
The project was established by a group of doctors who are driven by a desire to bring about positive change. These medical professionals possess deep knowledge in the field of menstrual health, yet they recognize the shortcomings of existing systems in serving individuals with periods.
Their goal extends beyond merely developing products; they aim to introduce a comprehensive approach to menstrual healthcare. Additionally, they aspire to create a community where individuals feel acknowledged, listened to, and truly understood in their unique experiences.
Myoovi is a compact wireless tens machine designed for user convenience. It adheres to the skin, typically positioned either below the belly button or on the lower back. The central unit, shaped like a disc with a diameter of approximately 8cm (three inches), contains a tens gel pad, a rechargeable USB battery, and user-friendly control buttons.