Countdown to the weekend with this playful product!
A YUPD and Hongik University project – Mt. Week features a fascinating and fun plastic mountain-shaped inspired object and digital clock.

Skillfully displaying a week’s journey with the motif of a plastic mountain-shaped product and digital clock – Korea-based Minsu Kim, Yoonjeong Lee of YUPD and Seunghyun Ko, Gyeongah Hwang, Hyunmin Kim of Hongik University together craft ‘Mt. Week’.
A conceptual workspace object designed for us all – “Mt. Week is for people who work hard waiting for the weekend.
The hardships we feel while climbing the mountain and the happiness when we reach the top are similar to our feelings of enduring weekdays and celebrating the weekend” says Minsu Kim, Project Manager YUPD.
When the weekend approaches – expectations grows and the sheer excitement of reaching the top of the mountain is reflected on the product.

This minimalistic and geometric object is divided into seven equal areas, representing a week’s journey with an integrated clock to its side to indicate the time of day.
It brilliantly comprises a sphere that climbs up the mountain diligently during weekdays and descends with complete ease during the weekend.
“Users will find themselves excited while watching it moving towards the weekend” he adds.
As the cone rotates – the sphere is always located where the user sees it.
Additionally, while putting it on the road the magnet inside moves along the rail – leading the sphere along the surface.

A new week simply begins when it reaches the starting point after the weekend.
“This product is made entirely of plastic and the path of metal beads is expressed with magnets. The quiet but constantly moving sphere symbolizes us living silently day by day” Minsu Kim says.