Furniture design

Stokke iconic “chair for life” by Peter Opsvik celebrates its 50th anniversary

Peter Opsvik designed it in 1972 for his two years old son Tor, setting a completely new prospective on kids furniture and later on establishing Tripp Trapp as the go-to life mate for over 13 million children all over the world.

While italian celebrations of tripp trapp® 50th anniversary hit Milan’s Mudec museum as part of the Milan Design Week with a custom open playground, Stokke announced four acquisitions to establish its new course as a house of brands.

Stokke _ chair for life _ 50 anniversary _ kids furniture _ milan design week _ mudec _ tortona design district
Peter Opsvik, Founder of Stokke

The brand teamed up with Mudec Museum of Cultures to develop a custom playground powered by Merlino with edutainment activities for kids 0-5 yo divided in three main age groups.

Stokke products were entailed in a learn & play format inspired by the pillars of the new “Here We Grow” campaign from the brand, conveying a vision for social inclusion, diversity and openness when it comes to the contemporary idea of family.

Courtesy services for visitors, such as baby carriers, were available also thanks to Stokke latest acquisitions of pioneering kids brands to share a common approach to modern parenting with.

In the last 12 months:

  • Babyzen, with its revolutionary YoYo stroller
  • The edutaining MuTable by Mukako
  • Limas babywearing
  • More recently, Nomi by Evomove chair – which shares with “big sis” Tripp Trapp® design and pedagogic vision by Peter Opsvik

entered in Stokke house of brands portfolio.

Moreover, the “Maxi Tripp Trapp®” installation launched in 2012 at Century of the Child exhibition at NYC MoMa, was back in the streets of Milan hitting Tortona district and Mudec nearbys.

Stokke _ chair for life _ 50 anniversary _ kids furniture _ milan design week _ mudec _ tortona design district
© All images credits: Stokke