Abstracta’s acoustic products are designed for maximum sound comfort
Abstracta’s latest additions to its collection of acoustic solutions are based on the belief that a space that’s easy on the eyes should be easy on the ears too.

The management of sound within a space is becoming an increasingly important aspect of the design process.
Whether it’s softer flooring or panels installed on the walls, comfortable acoustics can make a space by stopping it from becoming too noisy, especially in open plan environments like offices where multifunctional use often includes socialising and relaxing (as well as working).
It’s an area that Swedish company Abstracta knows all too well.
Since 1972, it has designed collections of acoustic products created in collaboration with influential contemporary designers.
They range from thoughtfully designed sound-absorbent screens and surfaces to innovative furniture with integrated acoustic characteristics, all with the purpose of creating better soundscapes.
Earlier this month, Abstracta added to its series of acoustic solutions with several pieces including a modular sofa and a wall panel inspired by ancient architecture.
It also reintroduced one of its most iconic designs to its collection.

Repurposing textile waste from Abstracta’s factory to create acoustic filling, Swedish designer Thomas Bernstrand has designed a modular sofa collection.
Intended for co-working spaces as well as public spaces including shopping malls and lobbies, the various elements can be used to create different formations including wave-like communal seating or even private booths.

Abstracta also unveiled an extra-large version of its Scala wall panels by designer Anya Sebton.
The inspiration comes from the pillars and vaulted ceilings typical of ancient buildings, which are scaled up to create an undulating configuration (available in either concave or convex) suitable for contemporary interiors.
Because of its supersized dimensions, the Scala XL is particularly effective at improving the soundscape in large and noisy spaces such as assembly halls, auditoriums, lobbies, and shopping malls.

Finally, Abstracta has reintroduced Swedish designer Stefan Borselius’ 2006 Air-X room divider, which doubles a ceiling-suspended sound absorber.
It gets its name from the X-shaped elements that can be arranged in an infinite number of configurations, each one made of moulded felt to provide excellent noise absorption and echo cancellation.