

  • Italy
  • Accessories
  • Branding
  • Furniture
  • Lighting
  • Tech
  • Home
  • Horeca
  • Kitchen
  • Office
  • Outdoor
  • Glass
  • Marble
  • Metal
  • Plastic
  • Textile
  • Wood
  • Lifestyle
  • Smart Home
  • Workspace

Situated in Padua, in the northeastern region of Italy, Favaretto&Partners was established in 1973 by Architect Paolo Favaretto, boasting a rich fifty-year history in various domains of industrial design, including products, furniture, lighting, art direction, and consulting.

We possess a knack for foreseeing emerging trends and seizing opportunities within the global market. Our multidisciplinary approach, built upon our profound expertise, fuels progress and international industrial ventures. Creativity permeates every phase of our production process.

Our distinctive qualities lie in our pursuit of innovative solutions, our dedication to product circularity, and our commitment to cultivating a sustainable vision for the future. This is how we interpret industrial design—a methodology that enables us to make a significant impact.