
Robert Bronwasser

  • Netherlands
  • Accessories
  • Appliances
  • Art Direction
  • Consumer electronics
  • Furniture
  • Vehicles
  • Bathroom
  • Home
  • Horeca
  • Kitchen
  • Office
  • Outdoor
  • Urban
  • Ceramic
  • Glass
  • Leather
  • Metal
  • Plastic
  • Recycled
  • Textile
  • Upcycled
  • Wood
  • Electric
  • Lifestyle
  • Micro-mobility
  • Modular
  • Smart Home
  • Workspace

With over 25 years of experience, industrial designer Robert Bronwasser skillfully blends his creative expertise with practical sensibility to craft innovative products. His designs possess a distinctive charm that aims to evoke joy in everyday life, leaving a lasting impression. Bronwasser’s unique approach combines aesthetic appeal with functionality, resulting in products that not only serve their purpose but also bring a daily dose of delight.

His passion for design shines through in each creation, promising a one-of-a-kind experience that puts a smile on your face every time you use his products. Whether it’s furniture, household items, or consumer goods, Bronwasser’s designs stand out for their ingenuity and captivating aesthetic, making them cherished additions to any environment.