
The EGO kinetic sculpture materializes human emotions and mind

Studio drift and its works such as EGO take inspiration from the power of technology and the silence of nature and merge them to create extraordinary experiences

An artwork focused on man and its internal world. The EGO kinetic sculpture represents the state of the mind, its hopes, truths, and emotions. A co-production of Studio Drift and Opera2Day. The work initiated in January as the first performance stated in Netherland Wilmink Theater Enschede. 

Founded by Dutch artists Lonneke Gordijn and Ralph Nauta, Studio Drift is exploring the concepts of man-made and nature in their experiential sculptures, performance, and art installations. 

EGO kinetic sculpture by Studio Drift

EGO kinetic sculpture: artificial and natural elements

An integration of man-made materials and natural elements is presented to re-establish the connection between humans, wilderness, and technology. 

EGO kinetic sculpture represents the human’s state of the mind and how its rigidness switches from one perspective to another, exposing emotions and human mechanisms such as an individual’s fears, hopes, and states of loneliness.

More than 16 km of hair-thin Japanese fluorocarbon lines, woven with Studio Drift’s own weaving loom, create a massive block controlled by motors and software.

EGO by Studio Drift
EGO kinetic sculpture accentuates the emotional journey as it materializes the inner and intangible realities

For each different emotional state, a different algorithm leads the block to switch shape. The choreography is composed of specific states of the mind performed by 10 dancers alongside 10 singers. 

EGO juxtaposes opera, performance art, and technology, through one of the oldest operas, L’Orfeo, reinterpreting choreography and music in a contemporary way. Trough the live performance, Studio Drift makes a clear statement of how much an individual’s emotions impact the rigid human body and its fragility.

The EGO kinetic sculpture by Studio Drift materializes human emotions and mind
As other Studio Drift works, EGO kinetic sculpture combines the power of technology, man and nature into an extraordinary and memorable experience

Studio drift and its works such as EGO kinetic sculpture take inspiration from the power of technology and the silence of nature and merge them to create extraordinary experiences.

Like in the “Materialism” sculptures, Studio Drifts reveals the essence and unseen levels of life.


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EGO is focused on man and its internal world. This kinetic sculpture represents the state of the mind, its hopes, truths, and emotions. A co-production of Studio Drift and Opera2Day.


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EGO is focused on man and its internal world. This kinetic sculpture represents the state of the mind, its hopes, truths, and emotions. A co-production of Studio Drift and Opera2Day.
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