Discovering the world without leaving a trace
Jean-Marie Massaud with the ONERA presents Manned Cloud – a conceptual airship hotel sustainably reducing the impact of tourism infrastructure.

Looking at alternative ways around travel and leisure, Jean-Marie Massaud with the ONERA presents ‘Manned Cloud’ – a conceptual airship hotel sustainably reducing the cultural, environmental and economic impact of tourism infrastructure.
Aimed at skillfully balancing pleasure and responsibilities – Jean-Marie Massaud worked with the visionary technological organization ONERA (Office National d’Etudes et Recherches Aérospatiales) on this fascinating innovative project.
“Manned Cloud is a harmonious combination of the usual components of travel, from transportation to accommodation and discovery, all assembled in one single concept – a flying hotel.
By freeing from gravity and infrastructures, it would give access to sites without traces and intrusion” says Massaud.

Right from architecture to objects, from macro environments down to micro contexts – Massaud has been brilliantly working on an extensive range of projects, with his ability to seamlessly blend elegance with comfort.
Washing away the image of the Zeppelin, Manned Cloud is a futuristic proposal where the time of discovery and the time of displacement are effortlessly synchronized.
Its eclectic one-of-a-kind design merges the natural intelligence of the whale’s shape with a “0 energy” propulsion – “a white whale for relevant aerodynamism, to talk about lightness, serenity and symbiosis” Massaud adds.