Furniture design

Do you enjoy Moving Tables at work?

Responding to the growing need for smaller and space-efficient offices, this thoughtful design answers the current trend in the sector

The modular Moving Table makes the workplace versatile allowing maximum flexibility in setting up a modern office space.

The global office furniture market is expected to grow at a rate of 5.4% during the period from 2018 to 2023. Due to the constant innovation and increasing demand for aesthetically pleasing offices, the sector has become a very competitive one. With the evolving work culture, office furniture also gets a makeover.

Working of Moving Table

Hence, the Moving Table designed by Jörg Boner is perfect to take care of these ever-changing needs. The modular table makes the workplace versatile allowing maximum flexibility in setting up a modern office space.

The Moving Table has a writeable top, which sits on two three-legged frames, transforms into a presentation board to hang on the walls with the mobile rail system. Responding to the growing need for smaller and space-efficient offices, this thoughtful design answers the current trend in the sector.


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