Oura sponsors TempPredict study to detect COVID-19 symptoms
Oura is sponsoring research at the University of California to determine if Oura Ring can detect COVID-19 symptoms.

With the backdrop of COVID-19, Oura is sponsoring research at University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) to study whether physiological data collected by the Oura ring, combined with responses to daily symptom surveys, can predict illness symptoms. The study aims to build an algorithm to help UCSF identify patterns of onset, progression, and recovery, for COVID-19.

The UCSF TemPredict study will include two groups: front-line healthcare workers and the general population. First, more than 2,000 healthcare workers — doctors, nurses, and others — who are in daily contact with patients who may be afflicted with COVID-19 at UCSF campuses will receive Oura rings.
By letting healthcare workers easily track changes in their body temperature, respiratory rate, and heart rate, they may be better equipped to understand early warning signs of infection within the group and to take necessary actions to better coordinate this unprecedented push to fight COVID-19.

Second, the study will be opened up to all Oura ring users. By taking daily symptom surveys, study participants will directly contribute their observations paired to their data to the UCSF team.
Researchers will use this information as they attempt to identify patterns that could predict onset, progression, and recovery in future cases of COVID-19. If this approach is successful, it could open the door for research into tracking and managing other illnesses and conditions.

Oura users can join the UCSF TemPredict study through an invite that will be available in the Oura app or by simply signing up.