
På(fyll) is a circular service designed to offer refillable containers

The pressing issue of single-use plastic waste from consumer products is garnering increasing attention. Many items purchased at grocery stores are packaged in disposable containers or dispensers, contributing to the growing problem of plastic waste

In response to this challenge, Norwegian conglomerate Orkla, in collaboration with Æra and Bakken & Bæck, launched På(fyll) with the objective of tackling plastic waste and promoting a more circular and sustainable future.

Designed by the Swedish design studio Form Us With Love, the aim was to establish a digital platform and circular service that offers refillable containers for everyday household products, thereby contributing to the reduction, reuse, and recycling of plastic waste throughout the supply chain. This initiative aimed to address the plastic waste issue while simultaneously providing consumers with convenience and sustainability.

På(fyll) - circular service designed to offer refillable containers
På(fyll) is a circular service designed to offer refillable containers – © Form Us With Love

The design process behind På(fyll)

The development of På(fyll) by Form Us With Love entailed an extensive endeavor to devise a sustainable and user-centric solution. The primary challenge revolved around crafting a robust and adaptable container capable of accommodating products from various brands, including liquids of varying viscosities, in a manner that was convenient to use, store, and pour.

The design process found inspiration in existing solutions such as jerrycans, stackable objects resembling bricks, and user-friendly design principles akin to book spines. The container’s design was thoughtfully tailored to meet the requirements of users, transportation companies, and Orkla, which was responsible for the cleaning and refilling of the containers.

På(fyll) is a circular service designed to offer refillable containers – © Form Us With Love

Integrating an array of elements, the container’s design sought to reduce spills and streamline the pouring experience. It featured a label with a perforated section that enabled users to secure empty containers together using a strip inserted through a slot in the cap. This innovation facilitated effortless handling for both users and transportation companies during the return process.

Additionally, the design by Form Us With Love took into account factors such as grip strength, user-friendliness for all age groups, and achieving an optimal balance between durability and lightweight construction.

The requirements placed on a container for a subscription-based model of household products differ significantly from those typically associated with traditional containers found in grocery stores. While conventional containers may emphasize distinctive aesthetics or branding elements, the container for På(fyll) places paramount importance on functionality and user-friendliness.

På(fyll) is a circular service designed to offer refillable containers – © Form Us With Love

By confronting these challenges head-on, På(fyll) is dedicated to delivering a top-tier product that effectively caters to its customers’ needs. The resulting design outcome may not align with conventional expectations, but it can be argued that, in this form, it effectively responds to these specific demands.

From the understanding gained to the final resolution

The result of the development process gave birth to På(fyll), a circular service designed to offer refillable containers for a wide range of household products. These containers are meticulously crafted to embody durability, stackability, and user-friendliness, effectively addressing the challenges associated with plastic waste and championing sustainability.

På(fyll) - circular service designed to offer refillable containers
På(fyll) is a circular service designed to offer refillable containers – © Form Us With Love

This service empowers customers to make environmentally conscious choices by reducing their reliance on disposable plastics. Through a user-friendly digital platform, På(fyll) enables customers to effortlessly order and receive freshly refilled containers delivered directly to their doorstep. The QR code tracking system ensures transparency and accountability throughout the entire journey of each container, from the warehouse to delivery.

På(fyll) paves the way for guilt-free consumption of a variety of home and personal care products, completely eliminating the use of single-use plastics—an issue that currently results in the disposal of at least one garbage truck’s worth of plastic waste into the ocean every minute of every day.

På(fyll) - circular service designed to offer refillable containers
På(fyll) is a circular service designed to offer refillable containers – © Form Us With Love

Refillable containers are used repeatedly for years, and delivery and pickup services are conveniently available at your doorstep, making shopping more accessible, cost-effective, and environmentally sustainable.

Starting with a beta version

In early 2022, På(fyll) initiated a beta version involving 100 households in Norway, with plans for subsequent expansion into a broader market. Ongoing data analysis and insights derived from the transparent backend will steer feature development and guide the strategy for broader rollouts.

På(fyll) - circular service designed to offer refillable containers
På(fyll) is a circular service designed to offer refillable containers – © Form Us With Love

As the service continues to grow in the Norwegian market throughout 2023, it will steadfastly maintain its sustainability as a central focus, with constant refinements based on the knowledge gained. The success of På(fyll) can be attributed to a collaborative effort involving experts from diverse fields, including market analysis, branding, industrial design, strategy, and engineering.

This amalgamation of expertise ensured that all facets of the project were meticulously considered and addressed, ultimately resulting in a sustainable, user-friendly, and impactful solution to the challenge of plastic waste.


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