Home appliances

The Polygon Wi-Fi radiator is the future of heating

Polygon is the result of a collaboration between Italian radiator manufacturer IRSAP and an open innovation design platform Desall.

Having won the Red Dot Design Award earlier this year for innovation, Polygon’s technologically-advanced electric design is a sneak peek at the future of radiators.

Polygon is rather atypical of most radiator designs. Characterised by a sensual interplay of geometric shapes, it features a unique envelope-style fold which houses an LED blade to enhance its profile and create a discrete feature for hanging towels and other items. Originally designed by Italian architect Valentina Volpe the design is the result of a competition hosted by open-source platform Desall.

Held between April and July 2019, the contest asked participants to “design a family of electric radiators, with a modern and minimal design” that could be perceived as furnishing elements.

Beyond the radiator’s striking look, which positions the radiator as a decorative object as well as a functional one, Polygon’s unique selling point is its Wi-Fi capability. An IRSAP Wifi heating element combines sensors, an electronic check valve and a dedicated app, making it possible to control the radiator remotely.

The radiator is compatible with Google Home, Alexa and the Apple HomeKit App. Once the first connection has been made, it is possible to control and customise heating straight from your smartphone, even remotely.‎

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Polygon builds on IRSAP’s past to create the future of radiators

The outcome of “Interior Décor Radiators” highlights the potential of co-creation, which here was made possible by Desall via its creative contests, which are open to the participation of a global audience, regardless of users’ cultural, educational and professional background. It opens the doors to the community while fostering innovation within the sector.

While radiators might feel like the final frontier in smart home technology, for a while now advances in both heating and Wi-Fi technology have slowly transformed both their look and feel. The only thing that’s left to do is for the consumer market to accept them as such.

With cast iron designs now considered vintage, the obvious next step is for radiators to take on a contemporary and more sculptural look as demonstrated by IRSAP, which will surely eventually become the norm.

After all, IRSAP knows a thing or two about radiators. Founded in 1963, the company is Italy’s leading manufacturer of designer models, which here find a new futuristic look thanks to its collaboration with Desall.

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