

  • Denmark
  • Cultural
  • Educational
  • Healthcare
  • Hospitality
  • Landscape
  • Residential
  • Urban
  • Workspace

3XN studio was founded in Aarhus, Denmark in 1986 by young architects Kim Herforth Nielsen, Lars Frank Nielsen, and Hans Peter Svendler Nielsen. The three quickly developed a reputation for creating buildings of substance with compelling aesthetics, supported by a strong theoretical foundation.

This heritage continues to inform their work today, as they bring 3XN’s vision to clients all over the world. Today, their staff is a mix of experienced project architects and talented young design architects from over 20 nationalities.

They work on a global scale but take pride in their history and Scandinavian roots, which are bounded by humanistic values. This allows the studio to re-invent tradition with a clear understanding of some of the most exciting and pressing challenges of the 21st century.

In 2007, they established the innovation unit GXN to collect and apply the latest knowledge on behavior, materials, and new technologies to their architecture. GXN remains dedicated to ecological and behavior-centric design research and constantly advances new digital processes and material solutions to create innovative architecture that positively affects people and the world we live in.