Home appliances

Litre Smart Water system prevents passive water and energy waste

A solution to the passive hot water waste that occurs during the water warm-up period. In the U.S. alone, up to 360 billion gallons of hot water are passively wasted

In this interview, Adam Friedman, founder of Geology studio, a furniture and product design studio based in Claremont, CA, talks about the origins of his design journey, the focus on locally crafted furniture, and the importance of function and longevity when developing new products.

He also discusses the Litre Smart Water System, winner of 2023 DesignWanted Award (see here all winners), a patented technology that prevents passive water and energy waste, and how it aligns with his design philosophy.

Litre Smart Water system by Geology Studio_ 2023 DesignWanted Award winner _ Milan Design Week
Adam Friedman, founder of Geology studio – 2023 DesignWanted Award winner

Keep reading to discover more about Adam Friedman’s studio and his award-winning project, Litre Smart Water System, which will be on display at the upcoming ‘Innovation for Living’ exhibition, co-produced by DesignWanted, Designtech, and Isola Design, during Milan Design Week from April 17-23 at La Cattedrale in the Certosa district.

What is Geology studio? How did your design journey begin? Why Geology studio, why focusing on locally crafted furniture?

Adam Friedman:

“Founded in 2012, Geology is a furniture and product design studio based on Claremont, CA. Each piece is designed by Adam Friedman and crafted in Los Angeles. It all started with the Block Chair. I had an idea and a Boffi stylist saw it which led to an opportunity to present the chair at Boffi during the salone. It was a big honor and the business developed from there.

Litre Smart Water system by Geology Studio_ 2023 DesignWanted Award winner _ Milan Design Week
Litre Smart Water system by Geology Studio – 2023 DesignWanted Award winner

It’s important to us that our furniture is made locally so we can support our local economy, minimize our carbon footprint and maintain close oversight over the detail and craftsmanship of each piece. Every piece of furniture we make has a soul and a we are humbled to be part of that journey. Keeping production local ensures that every piece is made to be an heirloom.

When I am asked about the name,I think about the earth, it is creation of form through time. Once the form has emerged, I say it again.  Form through time.  How does this form move through time? Meaning how will this design live with you and the trends through the decades.

I have many pieces in development. I can live with my pieces for years. This is what I call my “erosion” process. It’s a way I can reveal what’s important and get rid of anything unnecessary.”

Litre Smart Water system by Geology Studio_ 2023 DesignWanted Award winner _ Milan Design Week
Litre Smart Water system by Geology Studio – 2023 DesignWanted Award winner

Your studio won the DesignWanted Award with Litre Smart Water System, a patented technology that prevents passive water and energy waste, which is very different from the type of design you showcase on your website. How did you come up with the idea?

Adam Friedman:

“I can see from the outside that Litre and the furniture seem miles apart, however in my mind there is no difference. I would say the approach of bringing an idea or a solution to the world is always the same.

We wanted to make it easy for people to conserve water and Litre is what came of that desire.

The idea for automating faucet control came initially came in 2008 and patented a few years later.  Over the years the true benefit of the design/ and patents became more clear.  As Californians, we live in a state that is highly affected by drought as many areas are. My business partner and wife Vanessa Friedman decided we should expand our portfolio to include products that benefit the planet.”

Litre Smart Water system by Geology Studio – 2023 DesignWanted Award winner

How would you describe your design philosophy?

Adam Friedman:

“It depends on the piece. Every project has a different purpose and needs to be cultivated with specific guidelines or seen through a specific lense.

Taking the our Open 45 credenza, for example – all components that make up the form have only the job in supporting that task.

I always like my foundation to be its function. The Block furniture is an exploration of a new form of upholstery, durable without the trappings of upholstery; color, pattern, staining, damage.  The wood it is timeless and with wear comes a beautiful patina but is engineered to have the softness and comfort of an upholstered piece.

If it’s an exploration of form, take for example the Fig stool or Baleen tables.  I asked myself, how can I stretch the composition? How can I play on existing ideas?”

Litre Smart Water system by Geology Studio – 2023 DesignWanted Award winner

What are the aspects that you focus on the most when developing new products?

Adam Friedman:

“Function and longevity.”

From an industrial design perspective, which are your vital tools, resources, and methods for you during the design process?

Adam Friedman:

“The most important thing for me is to build it, understand a piece in its environment over time. Sometime a piece needs months, sometimes years. That’s when the important changes become clear.”

What is the next step for Geology studio?

Adam Friedman:

“We are currently developing something special for home audio.”


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