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‘Recover/Uncover’ exhibition presents new collections by Héctor Esrawe

Héctor Esrawe presents new product collections through the ‘Recover/Uncover’ exhibition at Masa Galería in Mexico City

At the latest exhibition of Masa Galería 2020 “Recover/Uncover” in Mexico City, Héctor Esrawe is presenting “Shifting Parábola”, a series of lighting fixtures on different scales that strive to explore the way light travels over a continuous metal surface, and “Grids”, a collection of sculptural structures. 

Shifting Parábolas are part of the third iteration of the concept “Parábola”, designed by Esrawe in 2019 for Masa Galería exhibition “Collective/Collectible”. This first research evolved into two sculptural lamps called “Paralela & Catenaria”, presented in the same year at Chic by Accident Gallery.

Héctor Esrawe - 'Recover/Uncover' exhibition presents new collections
At the latest exhibition “Recover/Uncover”at Masa Galería, Héctor Esrawe presented new collections Shifting Parábola and Grid

Shifting Parábola 

A collection of large-scale lighting sculptures that inhabit and are integrated into the space in which they are contained, in a relationship where the size of the piece creates a dialogue with the space intervened.

Built from brass sheets shaped mostly by the weight and flexibility of the material and the tension generated by the position between the lighting fixtures and the wall/floor or ceiling.

Parabola full lenght - 'Recover/Uncover' exhibition presents new collections by Héctor Esrawe
Shifting Parábolas is a collection of large-scale lighting sculptures that inhabit and are integrated into the space in which they are contained

The resulting geometry is inhabited from within by light, creating a set of contrasts between the light contained inside and the space outside.


A series of architectural and sculptural structures in diverse formats and proportions, built by the designer from a continuous metal grid (brass or iron), in which each element offers the possibility to hold one or more candles. 

Héctor Esrawe - 'Recover/Uncover' exhibition presents new collections

As the wax melts, it fills the metal lattice forming an organic, random, and dramatic expression that builds up over time and accumulates into an ephemeral presence, creating a living changing piece that evolves and transforms.


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