Lighting design

Illumination evoking planets, satellites, galaxies, and spacecraft

Stilnovo expands its range of lighting characterized by a minimal, contemporary, and lightweight design, with a production that draws inspiration from the captivating world of space

Stilnovo is introducing some new additions to its catalog, all of which share a common theme inspired by the world of astronomy, featuring planets, satellites, galaxies, and spacecraft.

The renowned Milanese lighting company continues to shape its story by honoring its rich heritage through the reimagining of iconic products, originally designed by globally acclaimed designers. It also remains forward-looking, actively designing new products that incorporate cutting-edge technologies.

Demí Moon by Mirco Crosatto

Luna by Shigeaki Ashara

An elegant and delicate suspension light characterized by its minimalistic design and gentle illumination. This innovative lamp, created by Japanese designer Shigeaki Asahara, features an LED light source that directs light onto an adjustable reflective disc, which, in turn, diffuses the light onto the surface in a comfortable and pleasing manner.

Thanks to a patented articulated balancing system, users can easily adjust the angle of the disc, thereby controlling the direction of the light projection. The Luna family also includes a floor lamp with indirect emission and a touch dimmer for added versatility.

Luna by Shigeaki Ashara for Stilnovo

Demí Moon by Mirco Crosatto

Created by designer Mirco Crosatto, Demí Moon is an innovative lamp featuring a transparent dome reminiscent of the distinctive moon’s silhouette. Utilizing the exclusive OptiLightTM technology, when illuminated, this lamp provides a soft and uniform illumination through the lower edge and thousands of laser micro-incisions on its surface.

The light originates from an invisible LED source positioned within the ring of the large opening, creating a seamless and gentle lighting experience.

Demí Moon lighting collection by Mirco Crosatto for Stilnovo
Demí Moon by Mirco Crosatto

Inbilico by Brian Sironi

Inbilico, a wall lamp designed by Brian Sironi, is a unique lighting fixture that plays with the concept of “reflected” light, born from the convergence of two distinct volumes. It achieves a captivating sense of precarious equilibrium, further emphasized by its placement on the wall.

This versatile lamp can be installed with the light directed either upward or downward, ensuring that the light source remains parallel to the floor, allowing for customizable and intriguing illumination.

Inbilico by Brian Sironi

Is it a return to Space Age Design?

In the late 1950s, emerging technical possibilities, coupled with a fascination for abstract futuristic forms, gave rise to what we now recognize as Space Age design. This latest collection from Stilnovo serves as a reminder of how recent technological advancements can, in some way, transport us back to envisioning distant realms that are, in reality, drawing nearer.


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