
The Traverse drone is your own personal running coach in the sky

It comes with an app for tracking your runs and a pendant that keeps check of your overall health.

The Traverse concept was designed as a drone coach for runners and comes with an app as well as a pendant that users wear whilst on the go.

The pendant, otherwise known as POD, connects to the drone, providing real-time coaching through its speakers whilst the drone tracks the runner’s posture and performance.

It also records the run so users can review their form once the run is complete. 

The Traverse drone by Soomin Son
© Soomin Son

First of all, You can get customised plans from its app based on your level. After that, Clip the POD(wearable companion gadget) on your clothes.

It will provide real-time coaching through its speaker while running. 

“Runners can receive simple messages instead of their smartphones during exercise. It also includes the feature of checking heart rate,” explains Jinseon Lee who co-designed the concept with fellow South Korean designer and 3D artist Soomin Son.

Meanwhile, the drone analyses posture and captures images to create real-time feedback of speed, performance, and laps.”

The drone uses 6 fisheye lenses that work together to track 360 degrees around the drone whilst flying autonomously.

© Soomin Son

The hardware is made from plastic shaped using a CNC machine, including the ducts that protect each of the four rotors.

The design duo has also included silicone covers to protect the legs whilst landing and included integrated LED lights so that runners can use the drone at night. 

“In terms of design, we wanted to create something unique and symbolic that creates this idea of being able to access the universe,” explains Lee.

“So we borrowed the image of the universe and created a speckled surface. The drone’s form is an amalgamation of aerodynamic and curvy, which we think creates an energetic look.”

Bright orange accents give the otherwise muted device some colour.

The Traverse drone by Soomin Son
© Soomin Son

Traverse imagines the future of commerce (not just running)

How will brand’s do business in the future? Will delivery be airborne as Amazon takes ownership of the sky? How about security cameras on the go?

The Traverse concept anticipates companies using unmanned aerial vehicles to reduce costs, increase efficiency and access where humans are unable to.

Of course, there are still various issues such as legal regulations that would get in the way of such a concept becoming a reality but with enough pressure from big companies who can say it’s impossible.

© Soomin Son
The Traverse drone by Soomin Son
© Soomin Son


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