
BAUX’s vision of well-being within architecture and interior design

During Stockholm Furniture Fair 2023, BAUX curated a museum-like exhibition and acoustic lounge called The Bright Future of Wellbeing

Dedicated to exploring the future of architecture and interior design, and how buildings and workplaces can enhance well-being, creativity, and productivity, students have been invited by BAUX to share their ideas which have been then exhibited at Stockholm Furniture Fair.

They have been carefully selected and originate from various countries including Norway, Sweden, Nepal, Egypt, Poland, Greece, and Iceland.

Students are the future of Architecture and Interior Design. With their creativity and passion, they can push the boundaries of design and create innovative spaces that will improve the way we live and interact with the world around us. As they enter the workforce, students have an opportunity to make a real impact,” said Niki Gynnerstedt, Head of Marketing at BAUX.

BAUX exhibition at Stockholm Furniture Fair 2023 - © Jonas-Lindström
© VAUX / Johan Ronnestam

The students were each given a unique physical environment to work on. During Stockholm Furniture Fair 2023, they showcased their vision of how the buildings of tomorrow can nurture people’s well-being, creativity, and productivity – without compromising on sustainability.

I am very inspired and impressed by the materials BAUX is offering Architects and Designers. I think they’re on to something interesting as they are thinking of the whole material process – if more companies were like that, then we wouldn’t have such big problems with Co2 in the building industry”, said Anna Lawecka, studying Sustainable Urban Planning in Architecture at KTH, Stockholm.

© Anna Lawecka

Their ideas were presented within an exciting, curated exhibition space, which also allows visitors to experience the true meaning of sustainable acoustics – a field where BAUX is a world-leading pioneer.

We believe that the spaces in which we work must change, and become more sustainable – focusing on the wellbeing, creativity, and productivity of employees. By curating an exhibition fully dedicated to showcasing the work of these promising students within architecture and interior design, we aim to inspire and educate visitors to join us in our vision to change the world for the better’’, said Fredrik Franzon, CEO & Co-Founder, BAUX Acoustics.

BAUX is globally recognized for its approach to exhibition design, and the curated concept for SFF 2023 is a collaboration between Johan Ronnestam Creative Studio and Form Us With Love.

BAUX exhibition at Stockholm Furniture Fair 2023 - © Jonas-Lindström

The 170 sqm museum-like exhibition hosted BAUX acoustic products in context and provided the backdrop to the work of the 8 students and their individual responses to the brief they were tasked with.

About BAUX

BAUX was founded in 2014 on the belief that building materials should be sustainable, surprisingly functional, and remarkably beautiful.

They design, produce, and market functional construction materials that meet the contemporary expectations of architects, engineers, and builders – without compromising tomorrow’s safety and environmental standards.

Since its launch, BAUX has grown rapidly and with global representation in more than 30 regions, the brand has partnered with brands such as Google, Amazon, Stella McCartney, Spotify, Uber, Airbnb, Nike, and many more.


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