These modular benches by Form Us With Love offer privacy without walls or dividers
Swedish studio Form Us With Love has designed a modular bench seating system for Danish furniture manufacturer +Halle.

Called Levels, the collection of benches come in three heights and three lengths that can be mixed-and-matched to create different seating configurations.
Sporting a soft rounded form, the upholstered bench design is based on simple shapes, featuring architectural pillars supporting a beam.
It derives its shape and proportions from architecture. It is in essence just two pillars supporting a beam. This approach to form and scale, permits Levels to integrate in most spaces as a hybrid of furniture and architecture.

Customers can order the furniture as a single item if they only require one bench for a shopfront or a hallway, or in large configurations for offices, communal spaces or waiting areas.
For instance, spaces like the front of a shop – or in large configurations for offices or other communal spaces.
Levels is a product of the programme at +Halle‘s called Annual Briefing, which sees the brand bring together several design studios to answer the same brief and give each other feedback during the process.

The theme of this first brief was Dwelling and asked the designers to address the “deficit of moments to oneself in public spaces, and the human experience of seeking those moments out in the most public of places”.
Levels modular benches: A quiet pause—if you want
By positioning sitters at varying heights and facing different directions, Form Us With Love created subtle divisions between people.
It enables people to take a pause without needing to go somewhere completely private. Instead of prescribing the function of dwelling, Levels suggests it through materiality, shaping, and compositions.

“We accept the fact that the ways in which people dwell within a space can be particularly divergent. A lot of the choices for taking respite are informed by the anxiety we all feel in a shared common space,” says FUWL CEO Jonas Petterson.
“The question then is: how might we create a concept that let’s people relax within a dynamic convivial space?”